Slow Down, Make Time For God

Have you come to that time of year where the struggle is truly real? Things are starting to pile up and you are just getting lazier and lazier? Well, welcome to the club! Honestly, for these past 2 weeks, I have been a complete mess (yes laugh with me, because I know some of you feel the same).

To make matter worse the demands of so many things in life such as money (haha I know we all struggle with that one), education, study, socialising etc. It can be draining on a woman. I mean come on! can’t a girl get a beauty rest for a second? Anywho enough of that, this can also cause a decrease in the amount of time we spend with God. We can become so busy at times we forget to just sit down and meditate on God’s word “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night”(Psalm 1:2). Okay, let’s be real for a moment who else at times feels so tired that when it gets to that time with God, you end up making a short prayer, reading a quick verse and giving yourself a pat well done on the back. Don’t get me wrong that’s still a great effort, better that than nothing. However, it’s also essential to really sit down, read the word, understand it and just let it manifest in your everyday life.

I know easier said than done. This is why I also have a few suggestions, to make sure you are keeping in touch with God.

1. Plan a bible study with someone. It can be once a week or as many times as you wish where you meet up and just enjoy the presence of the lord. This can be very effective if you plan with someone who is as committed as yourself. Someone you know and trust. It will surely make it more enjoyable sharing ideas and getting closer to God.
2. As I have said before in a past post, always pray before and after you read the bible. This will get you into the spirit and prepare you for whatever God has to reveal through the chapter/verse.
3. After bible Study or alone reading, always make sure before you go to bed to meditate upon what you have read. Take the time to fully understand the word and thank God for it.
4. Lastly, whenever you are in a moment of peace and silence just take the time to appreciate God. Even after managing to get that morning coffee before work. THANK GOD! Little appreciations like that also matter to God. Stay blessed!

So just a little reminder for all you lovely ladies and myself. Slow down and make time for God, it’s important to Him and you as well, it will build your relationship.

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